Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Unwritten Rule...

So... isn't it an "unwritten rule" that you should not date your friends ex's or hook ups?

yeah... I thought so...

Some people don't follow rules apparently...
lucky for them though, I'm absolutely and madly in love w/my boyfriend and I'm no longer seeing my ex as a maybe... Thank God! or else shit would've really hit the fan, lol.

Just needed to get that off my chest.

Friday, February 19, 2010

growing up

aaah... Growing up....
For most people... it's a beautiful experience
for others... not so beautiful

Me... I just feel... OLD! lol
yes yes... I'm only 23 soon to be 24 on June 8th but really, I feel old.lol
I'm definitely more mature, and I feel like I view the world different and I'm looking for different things in my new found friendships.
Even w/me and my boyfriend... we definitely connect on a different level. We have mind stimulating conversations (sounds corny, i know... but so true) and we connect in a whole different level...

so, i guess growing up isn't all that bad after all! :)