Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Black girl hair? or white girl hair?

So... my boyfriend and his sister called me up today and said that they were having an intervention bc i have a "product addiction" I thought they were talking about me having a hair straightener,blow dryer, 5,000 brushes and combs, hair spray,moose, etc., you know what i'm saying?

no... they were talking about wanting me to start using this black girl hair gel and that wasn't even the name of it, that's just what HE called it...


I kinda didn't like that i'm not gonna lie, not bc my boyfriend is white and i think he's racist, but bc i felt like i was getting ganged up on...

I don't have the so called "black girl hair" or the so called "white girl hair" I'm right SMACK in the middle... I have "Hispanic girl hair" i guess you can say... I don't need as many products as the black girls but i need more products than the white girls.
My black friends tell me how much they love my "nice" hair and the white girls love my hair too, but it's clear that it's kinda different...

why do I have to be categorized? you know... damn... just had to get that off my chest bc it kinda made me mad a little bit...

no, i didn't break up with him, lol... he doesn't know any better i guess. he just likes running his fingers through my hair so i figuered i would just punish him by not letting him touch me, lol


  1. Girl you're ALWAYS going to be categorized, yes even by your hair. You're always going to have "good hair" or "white girl hair". It's beyond stupid, but I'm sure he didn't mean anything by it, but glad you still punished him just in case =)

  2. lol, I know he really didn't mean anything by it, but I was like seriously? it's so so stupid, i mean it's hair, who cares as long as you like what it looks like right? ugh
