Saturday, February 11, 2012

Justice for Children....

So... A lot of awful, tragic things have been happening to kids lately. I don't know if I've been noticing more of it since I became a mother, but, It is something that really gets to me, and I'm assuming, A LOT of other people out there. The latest case that has been talked about is of course the Josh Powell case.

This is a TRAGIC murder and I can not believe that any parent would be capable of not only killing the mother of their child, which yes, I believe he did murder her, but taking the life of his two young boys.

For those who have not heard, This man named Josh Powell was a suspect in the case of his missing wife back in 2009. According to Powell, the last time he saw his wife was before he took their sons, Charlie and Braden, then 2 and 4 on a camping trip to a freezing desert around midnight. Yea... that doesn't sound fishy at all right? anyway, after the disappearance of his wife, he moved in with his father, Steve Powell, who apparently was arrested for possession of child pornography. The kids were taken away from Powell because of that and the kids were living with Susan's parents. Powell was granted supervised visits with the boys, but this one time, on Sunday Feb 5, the social worker went to drop the boys off and she claims that Powell, snatched the kids and closed the door and locked the social worker out of the house. He used a hatchet on their necks and later set the house on fire! Yes... insane!

I just don't understand how ANYBODY can cause harm to someone else, let alone an innocent child! What could a kid possibly do to get you so pissed off that you want to kill them? The boys had nothing to do with anything that happened! kill yourself, leave them alone!

What I have been hearing through the news grapevine is that Powell had told the eldest, Charlie, that he had a surprise for them on Sunday, this is what the social worker had said. and I also heard that after the mother's disappearance the boys were very quiet, but they were slowly starting to talk and act normal, they were telling family members that they remember going camping with mommy in the trunk!


I just can't believe this story, it is so sad! Poor kids! I hope that they finally can rest in peace! and that Josh Powell, that coward, rots in hell!

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