I was watching this movie called Murder by Numbers the other day with Sandra Bullock in it and Ryan Gosling (and a whole bunch of other ppl who are not important right now) and it just made me remember why I absolutely LOVE Ryan Gosling!
I'm not gonna lie.. when I first saw him on tv I couldn't STAND him.
he was in the Disney Mouse Club but the first time I ever actually saw him was during a show on Disney waaaay back in the day called Flashfoward... he played the part of Scott who used to go to camp with Becca and Tucker... does anyone remember that? lol, well anyways point is I couldn't stand the kid...
but then...
he got older and he started acting in movies...
and let me tell you,
I fell in Love with him!
His acting is PHENOMINAL! I mean, he's just awesome.
he doesn't just play a character,he honestly becomes the character.... kinda like Sean Penn... another Fabulous actor!
I don't think that Ryan gets enough recognition! he's played so many good roles that just suck you right in to the tv and really makes you believe that Ryan is this person suffering or this crazy killer kid! he's just FABULOUS!
I wish we would all start appreciating actors so much more... some of them are great and really get in to character, like, Ryan Gosling, Sean Penn and Ben Foster (HA HA! I bet you don't even KNOW who Ben Foster is.. he was Tucker from Flash Foward and he played in Alpha Dog, he was Jake... the young boys brother... the reason why they kidnapped his brother? yea yea... watch it... awesome movie... but so so sad... it's a true story too... ) but never win anything, or if they do, it's a stupid award!
I recommend everyone to watch at least ONE movie of his... and no, I don't mean the Notebook, that was a good movie, but it wasn't the best ( I Love Rachel McAdams too btw... and they are so cuuuuute together! )
- Murder by Numbers
- Stay
- Fracture
- The Slaughter Rule
- Remember the Titans
- The Believer
anything w/him in it.. LOVE HIM... he's awesome... and Sean Penn... don't even get me started on Sean Penn... he's GREAT!
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