So... I went out w/the boyfriend this weekend and we watched the Hangover...
He didn't like it that much, he only laughed at a few jokes, but me... I thought it was pretty good! lol
I Love comedy (and so does he, but I mean.. I laugh at everything so it's really not fair, lol) and yes I do agree that it was consistent laughing but there were some big parts that were extremely funny!
pretty much, the movie is about 4 guys who go out to Las Vegas for a night to celebrate their best friends last night as a bachelor... one thing leads to the other and pretty much they loose the groom! so his 2 best friends and his future brother-in-law go all around Vegas trying to find him... the problem is... they have a huuuuge hangover and they don't remember ANYTHING from the previous night...
I don't want to ruin anything for anyone, but one of them gets married to a stranger, pulls out his own tooth, they steal a cop car, end up in jail, steal Mike Tyson's tiger... yea... weird stuff happens...
If I had to give it a rating... I would say... 3 stars out of 5... fair enough right?
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