Wednesday, December 9, 2009
it's been a long time
and really... he's ray j... he's rich and famous! WHY is he on tv looking for love?
we all gotta hand it to the man that first started the reality love shows, Flava Flaaaaaaave! yes, Flava Flave, he wasn't attractive AT ALL, but man he had these women making out with him and having sex, i mean really? ew, lol, but yea... just had to do a little reality show rant bc i just saw another episode! lol, keep it going VH1 nad MTV, i'll prob still watch whatever you throw at me! lol
i'll blog again..... AFTER this 25 page paper!
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Guilty Pleasure...well.... one of them! lol

I'm not gonna lie... but one of my favorite shows right now is a show on Disney called "Wizards of Waverly Place"
YES! I AM aware that it's a kids show, but omg! it's so freakin funny!
I absolut love it!! there was an episode the other day that made me laugh sooo hard! omg, lol... it's just great!
so if you're a Disney Channel fan, and you like to laugh.... i suggest this show, it's cute and funny and the characters are great and lovable... EVEN Selena Gomez who i am definitely not fond of at all.. but she does a fantabulous job! LOVE IT! lol
just had to let that out
Let me tell you guys about this guy that I used to date back in March....
so this dude... let's call him Marc, was a real cute dude, smart,funny,handsome,has a job, a car, and is making it on his own....
so we start getting close, and we hang out more often until WHAM!!! one day, he just stops calling and texting... this was back in like... May? yea... May.... so then fast foward to August and WHAM! this dude starts talking about how he used to like me a lot and he was scared of being in a relationship but now he's ready and he wants to be together...
uhm... hi... I have a boyfriend!!!!
so... my question is this...
why are guys so dumb and wait until the last minute for anything...
is the "I was scared of commitment" just an excuse, or are you REALLY scared of commitment? why do you always wait until the last minute? well... you know what... nothing can bring me down right now... I'm loving life! I'm with a guy who's all about me and isn't scared to let me know how he feels and what he wants out of life!
so sorry, but you snooze and you loooooose baybee! lol
anywhoways.... just wanted to talk about that, it happened to me not too long ago, so you know i had to blog about it! lol
I would love to hear feedback from both females and males, bc this is something that i'm very curious about! so... comment back!!
Saturday, August 15, 2009
so cute
Make your Stick Figure Family at
isn't that the cutest thing? lol, i saw this on someone's profile so i decided to make one... for my future family, lol
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
I Love SNL && the Crazy things they do
These are a few videos from SNL that I just thought were so funny... everyone needs a laugh every once in a while... so I hope you get at least a chuckle out of this... :)
"You will like our Penisess" omg, so funny! I just love these guys!
Bing Bong Brothers
I thought this video was funny, it just is! lol
Saturday Night Live - SNL Digital Short: J*** in My Pants
This one is an oldie, but def a goodie!
Saturday Night Live - Dick in a Box (Uncensored)
This one is kinda funny... and it has the love of my life in it..well.. just a cameo,but still...he's in it.. Jake Gyllenhaal <3>
Saturday Night Live - SNL Digital Short: Iran So Far
I looooove Shia!!!! <3
Saturday Night Live - SNL Digital Short: The Best Look in the World
Alpha Dog && the TRUE story behind it

The movie "Alpha Dog"
Honestly... I had no idea what the movie was about when I first stumbled upon it last year...The only thing I knew was that Justin Timberlake was in it and that they gave him great reviews and it was a Sundance movie...
I've only watched it once... and just once... bc this movie is just soo sooooo sad!
back to the story...
sometime last year, I came upon the movie and I started to watch bc, like I said, I didn't know anything about it, but both Justin Timberlake and the movie received great reviews, so I def had to watch, I was watching for about 20 or 30 mins and since I still had NO CLUE what the movie was about I decided to hit info and read up on it... To make a long story short...I found out that this was based on a true story half way in to the movie and the ending...just
it just BAFFLES me...
This movie is about teen drug dealers (the leader of the posse is Johnny Truelove)who kidnaps the little brother(his name is Zach Marzurscky ) of a junkie (Jake Marzursky) who owes him $1, first they didn’t think too much of it..but then Trulove starts panicking and getting aggrevated at the same time bc Jake isn’t paying he contacts his lawyer to find out what are the possible charges for kidnapping someone...his lawyer lets him know the sentence wld be LIFE IN the meantime...Zach gets close to JT’s character and becomes very trusting...the ending killed me...
They end up killing Zach...and the sad part about it is that JT’s character kept telling him that everything is going to be ok, to trust him, he would never hurt him..and Zach w/tears in his eyes says "ok" and lets him duck tape him...they shot him 9 times....
The movie is so so so so soooo similar to the real events ! the boys name was actually Nick Markowitz,his brother’s name was Ben Markowitz and Johnny Truelove’s name is Jesse James Hollywood...he was 15 when he was murdered...this was back in 2000 so he would’ve been 24....
Jesse James Hollywood ran away and he was actually caught about 4 yrs later in Brazil teaching children English...
This story was just horrible...
I was so so so shocked while watching the scene where they killed Zach, the actor was so believable...he was so trusting and so loving and he really thought he was going to go home...he had tears in his eyes but stayed still while he was being tied up...and then the other guy (Not JT’s character..his character’s name was Frankie and the other guy was Elvis) freaked out and shot him 9x’s
All the guys were caught and finally Jesse James too back in 2005...
This story interested me so much that I did some research on it and I kept up with it for a while..
if anyone wants to know more here is the website for the movie:
if that doesn’t work just go to and search Alpha Dog and watch the movie then you’ll know what i’m talking about
and to find out about the actual events go here:
and if that doesn’t work go to
that’s a good website...
but yea...
I just HAD to write something about it...again...
This movie just completely shocked me and it seriously bought tears to my eyes.
it still makes me as sad today as it did last year when i first watched it.. unbelievable... GREAT acting..I definitely recommend it
Young Adults && Life
I know this person who just told me something that really shocked me as much as it shocked her.
Let me start from the beginning...
so this person I know ( I'm not saying any names or letting you know if it's a co-worker or a friend just to protect her identity...) let's call her... Sarah... yea.. okay, so Sarah is 23 years old and she was a virgin until the age of 22.... which you know what... I think it's fabulous...
I , myself, waited a long time and when i finally did it, i did it with someone whom I thought was my prince Charming and whom I thought I was going to marry,... but obviously, it didn't work out that way, which whatever, i'm not too worried about it, or upset, it is what it is, and being with this person taught me a lot about life and he really made me stronger... but anyway, this isn't my story... this is Sarah's story...
so Sarah was always very careful on whom she had sex with... which is good, it's what you're supposed to do ... but she tells me today that she has Genital Herpes and she's extremely upset about it...
she feels as if she shouldn't be punished bc she waited so long and she was so careful, she just doesn't understand....
She really doesn't know how it happened... all she knows is that she's got it and she doesn't know from whom and she's only had sex with 3 ppl....
she's so depressed, which I would be too, but I just don't know how to help her...
I told her that it could be worse, but she doesn't want to hear that...
It really could be worse though... she could have caught something that would be life threatening but she didn't.
so... this is my thought...
If I had it, I would be devastated and depressed YES! but I think that I would try to get better, I would seek for help and I would seek for the comfort of my friends... with family it would be tough but I would try to seek comfort from friends...
I would try to read up on Genital Herpes and try to get more educated about it and see what I need to do in order to keep things under control....
and maybe, some time down the road, I would try to educate others on how to prevent STD's and share my story with them
Idk... it's easier said then done I'm sure....
what are your thoughts?
Monday, August 3, 2009
Ryan Gosling

I was watching this movie called Murder by Numbers the other day with Sandra Bullock in it and Ryan Gosling (and a whole bunch of other ppl who are not important right now) and it just made me remember why I absolutely LOVE Ryan Gosling!
I'm not gonna lie.. when I first saw him on tv I couldn't STAND him.
he was in the Disney Mouse Club but the first time I ever actually saw him was during a show on Disney waaaay back in the day called Flashfoward... he played the part of Scott who used to go to camp with Becca and Tucker... does anyone remember that? lol, well anyways point is I couldn't stand the kid...
but then...
he got older and he started acting in movies...
and let me tell you,
I fell in Love with him!
His acting is PHENOMINAL! I mean, he's just awesome.
he doesn't just play a character,he honestly becomes the character.... kinda like Sean Penn... another Fabulous actor!
I don't think that Ryan gets enough recognition! he's played so many good roles that just suck you right in to the tv and really makes you believe that Ryan is this person suffering or this crazy killer kid! he's just FABULOUS!
I wish we would all start appreciating actors so much more... some of them are great and really get in to character, like, Ryan Gosling, Sean Penn and Ben Foster (HA HA! I bet you don't even KNOW who Ben Foster is.. he was Tucker from Flash Foward and he played in Alpha Dog, he was Jake... the young boys brother... the reason why they kidnapped his brother? yea yea... watch it... awesome movie... but so so sad... it's a true story too... ) but never win anything, or if they do, it's a stupid award!
I recommend everyone to watch at least ONE movie of his... and no, I don't mean the Notebook, that was a good movie, but it wasn't the best ( I Love Rachel McAdams too btw... and they are so cuuuuute together! )
- Murder by Numbers
- Stay
- Fracture
- The Slaughter Rule
- Remember the Titans
- The Believer
anything w/him in it.. LOVE HIM... he's awesome... and Sean Penn... don't even get me started on Sean Penn... he's GREAT!
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
No Doubt

So... I have another confession to make... I enjoy No Doubt's music... in fact... I LOVE No Doubt's music, and I don't like the newer "Hey Baby" sound, I love the "Spiderwebs" kinda sound, and their earlier stuff when they had the ska sound.... The only reason I'm telling you this and making a big deal out of it is because a lot of my friends tease me about me being Hispanic and listening to all sorts of other music... well don't get me wrong, I LOVE my Reggaeton,Salsa,Merengue, I LOVE my spanish music, but I also love Hip Hop, R & B SOME Rap, and I like Rock... nothing wrong with it right? just because I'm part of a certain ethnic group DOESN'T mean I have to like a certain type of music!
but any-who-ways,
that's not what I wanted to blog about. I'm talking about No Doubt in Concert! I went to watch them in concert on June 20th! can I just tell you... THEY.WERE.AMAZINGGGGGGG! They put on a show! I was a little nervous about what kind of songs they would be playing bc Paramore was also in concert with them which meant that the arena would be filled with a younger crowd who wouldn't really be familiar with their songs, BUT, they played all of their old songs and I LOVED IT! if you're a No Doubt fan, I definitely suggest you go watch them in concert, and Paramore too, they were good...
I encourage ANYONE to go watch a concert if they had the opportunity, I LOVE concerts, the vibe and just the feeling of seeing your favorite artist on stage singing their music live! it's just amazing! so go to concerts, they might be a little expensive, but it's oooh sooo worth it!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Asher Roth && Kid Cudi

ok ok, so I have a confession... I absolutely LOVE Asher Roth && Kid Cudi.
for those who have been living under a rock, Asher Roth is most commonly known for his "I Love College" song which ironically... I can't stand! everything else I like. Kid Cudi is known for his "Day 'N' Night" song... which... I happen to like a lot.
So Asher Roth, he's a 23 year old american rapper from PA. A lot of people think he sounds like Eminem... I think he does a little bit... kinda like a young eminem... anyways,
Kid Cudi is a 25 year old rapper from Ohio, I Love this guy... all of his songs.. all of them! his style is more like Kanye West, Common.. you know.. those guys and I heard somewhere that he actually got his big break off Myspace... if that's true, then dang... that's pretty awesome!
anyways... what I like about both these guys is that they rap about normal every day stuff... I haven't heard a song from either of these guys where they're talking about killing anyone or having sex in the club or anything like that... they talk about smoking weed (which i don't do, but a lot of kids our age do that) going to school, being shy around girls,etc.,
so yeah... you can say that i have high hopes for these 2... they are definitely making it to the top! i suggest everyone to listen to at least one song from each of them, i guarantee you'll like at least one of them.
Kid Cudi
~Embrace the Martian
~Pillow Talk
~Day 'N' Nite (try the Crooker remix or w/e... that's my fave)
~The Sky May Fall
~Man on the Moon
Asher Roth
~She Don't Want a Man
~La Di Da
~Be By Myself
~Lion's Roar
I hope you enjoy it :)
Weekend date

So... I went out w/the boyfriend this weekend and we watched the Hangover...
He didn't like it that much, he only laughed at a few jokes, but me... I thought it was pretty good! lol
I Love comedy (and so does he, but I mean.. I laugh at everything so it's really not fair, lol) and yes I do agree that it was consistent laughing but there were some big parts that were extremely funny!
pretty much, the movie is about 4 guys who go out to Las Vegas for a night to celebrate their best friends last night as a bachelor... one thing leads to the other and pretty much they loose the groom! so his 2 best friends and his future brother-in-law go all around Vegas trying to find him... the problem is... they have a huuuuge hangover and they don't remember ANYTHING from the previous night...
I don't want to ruin anything for anyone, but one of them gets married to a stranger, pulls out his own tooth, they steal a cop car, end up in jail, steal Mike Tyson's tiger... yea... weird stuff happens...
If I had to give it a rating... I would say... 3 stars out of 5... fair enough right?
Over Protective parents
yea... I do...
I am 23 years old...
when does it end?
honestly, how do i get them off my back!
did you know that the first time I ever slept out was this year!! at 22 years old that was my first sleep over... well... that my mother new about... my first sleep over was at 22 but it was in 2008... wow... just wow... how pathetic is that?
I feel like i can't live my life w/o having to go through my mother first, she has to approve of everything? are you kidding me?
why can't parents just give children the freedom that they need in order to grow...
i'm all for the love your kids so much and try to protect them from harm, but seriously, a kid that is too over protected will either grow up to get hurt all the time bc they don't know how the world around them works, or they will grow up and rebel and try everything that is out there!
get a grip parents, you can't protect your kids from everything dammit!
Sunday, July 26, 2009
How do you know?
How do you know you're in Love?
I mean... I've been in Love 2 other times... or so I think
My first was just that... my first... I was with him from the age of 18 to 20 and he ended up cheating on me.. he had issues himself... he pretended to be a cop and got arrested twice during our relationship...
I'm not bitter about that relationship bc honestly i learned a lot from him... I grew up and he definitely made me stronger...
My 2nd Love... didn't work out either, everything was and still is great between us, but he's so depressed and stuck on his brothers death... he just wasn't and still isn't ready to be in a relationship... i don't blame him, and i don't hate him... but i thought i saw a future with this one...
in between those two loves i've dated around but nothing too serious... i still got heart ache from those "daters" even though i wasn't in love...
but this one... this new one... he's amazing... i'm not going to say that i haven't felt this way before, but i definitely have never had a boyfriend like him...
he's so calm, he always thinks about me first and he's so affectionate... i've never had someone just kiss me or hold me just bc... this one is definitely different... he's sweet, he's just simply amazing... and it also helps that his sister is my best friend and i've known them for about 6 years now... I actually see a future with this one...
when do you know it's the right time though? the right age? i'm 23 and he's 24... is it time to get serious? I hope so... bc i don't think i can go through another break up...
so far so good though... i def see the future and it's a good one!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Women need to learn how to go with the flow!
k, let me explain myself!
I have 2 friends who are having issues w/guys I'm not going to say any names but we'll just call them Friend #1 && Friend #2
Friend #1 has this boyfriend who beat her and did coke... he ended up in jail for something and then when he gets out, he tells her that he doesn't want to be in a relationship he kinda just wants to do him for a while... they ended up getting back together but she ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS has something to complain about. the latest was that her bf wanted to break up w/her bc she didn't tell him that she was going out w/a guy... she wasn't going out on a romantic date or anything, but she went out w/one of her girlfriends, their mom and this other guy... he was pissed... she calls me, and says "hey [boyfriends name] wants to break up w/me... what should I do?" uhm... what? what should you do? let him break up with you!! you can't stop someone from breaking up w/you! seriously! lol... she just never learns... she's always complaining about this guy but she never takes advice from friends or family! and seriously.... after a guy has put their hands on me, i would never ever get back w/them!
Friend #2 started fooling around with this guy who she knows through her brother... to make a long story short, she told him that she only wanted to have fun and was not looking for a relationship but after they had their fun she realized that she actually wanted more... he doesn't.... now she's upset bc he went back to his ex and she doesn't know what to do.... uhm.. ok... let me tell you a little bit about my friend.... SHE IS TOO AGGRESSIVE!
guys do not like girls who are too in your face! don't ask a guy too many questions and do not smother them (is that the right term? lol) so much!
guys are kinda emotional in their own way... if girls seem like they are going to get attached then they run away! they just freak out... i mean, i don't blame them, i would prob do the same thing, but seriously girls... learn how to go with the flow... i did.. and i'm doing just fine...
Sunday, July 5, 2009
about that...
it is no secret that I, Von Marie Frometa, have big boobs... mine weren't as big as those girls but i am a D... now... I can relate bc those girls are so self concious about their boobs that they wld do almost anything to get rid of them...
I've never been like that, but I HAVE been so self concious that I
I honestly think that it's something that a woman has to work out w/herself... they need to love themselves enough to accept their body the way they are... i don't believe that anyone shld get a reduction bc of a self image issue that they have, if your back is hurting then go for it absolutely but really...
don't worry about the clevage... theres sooo many girls out there who wld love to have clevage like ours
don't worry about your boobs sticking too far out from your shirt
don't worry about how the dress looks
don't worry if they sag (don't get it twisted, mine DEF don't, lol) when you get older or start having kids... we will have NO control over how low our boobies want to go...
learn to love your body, bc if you don't learn how to love yourself than how can you get anyone else to love you or have any respect for you...
I LOVE my boobs
I LOVE my clevage
I look DAMN GOOD in a dress....
I accepted my body (well... besides a tiny belly that i have, but i'm working on that)
wear what makes you feel sexy (w/o exposing too much of course) and walk around w/confidence...
and same thing goes for the girls who would love to have bigger boobs
love the body that you're in... don't enhance anything bc someone else wants you to or bc you feel you will get more attention bc of your chest size... you will get the attention... but it's not the kind of attention that you want...when you find someone they need to love you completly for who you are and not what bra size,or what pants size you wear! Fuck them if they don't like your body, they shouldn't be trying to get w/you if they feel the need to change you...
and men...
too much muscle is gross, we like you just the way you are! you don't have to spend HOURS in the gym, I like my men w/a little meat on them :)
and oh...
size REALLY does not matter...really... if you know how to work it, then that's all you need :)
ok... sooo....
I think that's all for now...
I haven't written a blog in a while... i should get back in to that,lol
Friday, July 3, 2009
My name is Von
I'm 23 years old
I live in Massachusetts but was born in New Jersey
I'm a Public Relations student at Salem State College with a minor in Italian
I'm Dominican and yes i am fluent in spanish...
hmm... what else...
I do believe that Public Relations is my calling... honestly... I Love the business and I really hope to work in the entertainment business...
I wanna be famous or at least be friends with the famous :)